Wisconsin Quality of Life Index
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Frequently Asked Questions

Who developed the W-QLI?

The W-QLI was developed by a team of clinicians, consumers, and researchers at the University of Wisconsin in Madison and by the University of South Florida.

What is the W-QLI?

The W-QLI is an easy-to-use self-report and self-administered instrument used to assess and monitor consumer’s quality of life (QoL). It is designed to document consumer goals for improvement with treatment and to aid consumers and staff in their work together to achieve desired goals and improved quality of life for consumers. The W-QLI provides

  • Information
  • Goals for improvement with treatment
  • Decision support
  • Monitoring and outcome data
What are the goals of using the W-QLI?
  • Consumers and providers will increase their understanding of the current consumer QoL status;
  • Consumers will take a more active role in their treatment;
  • Communication between consumers and providers will be improved;
  • Clinician’s role as consumer educator will be enhanced;
  • Consumers will increase their QoL and goal achievement; leading to increased empowerment.
How do service providers and consumers work together with the W-QLI?

Consumer feedback is a crucial part of assuring the best outcomes of care. The W-QLI provides information about consumer’s values and goals for improvement with treatment. The W-QLI is also repeated to insure that progress is ongoing, goals are still active, and information is up-to-date. Used in conjunction with the Workbook for Success, consumers are empowered to meet their individual needs and achieve their desired goals.

How should consumers and providers go about completing the W-QLI?

For more information about the W-QLI and directions for completing the forms, consult the W-QLI manual or visit our website at http://wqli.fmhi.usf.edu.

What does the W-QLI score tell me?

The W-QLI scores range from -3 (the worst things could be) to +3 (the best things could be). A score of 0 on the W-QLI is a middle range score which is close to the average or normative value for the target population. When W-QLI scores are computer-scored, a one-page report is produced documenting the score for each domain. Client goals for improvement with treatment are presented verbatim, allowing the consumers and service providers to discuss discrepancies and come to agreement on goals to be pursued.

What happens when provider and consumer scores/goals are different?

Provider and consumer scores are often slightly different. As long as provider and consumer scores are within a half a point (.5) of each other then they may be considered to be in reasonable agreement. Differences over .5 indicate the need for discussion between the provider and consumer to understand the reason for the differences in assessment. However, review of the W-QLI scores should be looked at as an opportunity and a crucial step in the process of enhancing the working alliance between consumers and providers as they work to explore consumer goals and values. Using the Workbook for Success in conjunction with the W-QLI allows additional opportunities for providers and consumers to collaborate to achieve consumer goals and illuminates factors that may impede or facilitate the consumer’s progress toward their stated goals.

Is there a way to involve other consumer/survivor/recovering persons (CSR’s) in this process?

The Workbook for Success is a useful tool that consumers trained as peer coaches can use to facilitate goal achievement with other consumers. Peer coaches can also provide invaluable support and encouragement to others, which will sustain morale and hope for a better future for consumers on the road toward recovery.

Who do I contact if I have questions or feedback about the W-QLI or the Workbook for Success?

For general information about the W-QLI please visit the W-QLI website at http://wqli.fmhi.usf.edu. You can also email the developers of the instruments at the following address: mbecker2@usf.edu.